Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Leadership Myths | Bellingham HR Consultant

There are many myths out there when it comes to leadership and management.  Unfortunately, these myths are often taken as fact - leading people and organizations toward unnecessary waste in energy, money, and ideas.  Here are a few myths to take note of:
  • Leaders and Managers are the same... No, they are not the same.  Leaders are about the people.  They influence others into change, action, and results.  Managers, however, are about the tasks.  They're focus is on the end result - achieving goals through authority and discipline.  Often times I see organizations automatically label their managers as "leaders," when - in fact - they are not.  Leaders and managers have two very unique skill sets, and while it is very possible for an individual to be both a leader and a manager - it shouldn't be an assumption they are a leader simply because they are a manager and vise versa.
  • Leaders are good managers... Leaders are strong innovators and strategists, but do not necessarily have the know-how to implement their innovations and/or strategies.  Often times, leaders have a focus that is so global, they do not necessarily have the linear thinking necessary to accomplish tasks.
  • Leaders are born – not made... While studies on children are showing increasing evidence that leadership skills can present themselves at a very young age, the truth is leadership skills can be made.  Just because an individual doesn't present the necessarily skills and qualities of a leader today, it doesn't mean they cannot present those skills and qualities tomorrow. 
If you want your managers to be leaders and your leaders to be managers, it is important to ensure the appropriate skill sets are in place.  This requires time, energy, focus, and support.  Remember, those managers with leadership skills will not only meet your organizational goals, but they will have the vision to bring their people (and therefore the organization) toward greater successes.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Health Care Reform & The Hidden Tax Change | Bellingham HR Consultant

The new Health Care Reform law is going to impact more than just your health care coverage.  In the finer print of the legislation is tax information that businesses need to be aware of because it does effect their current financial information gathering.  The 1099 is going to be a familiar sight for most.  For more information, read here: