Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Seminar - Employee Engagement | Bellingham HR Consultant

The Power of Engaging Your Employees

Are your employees engaged in their work? Do they demonstrate, on a daily basis, the key qualities of engagement such as enthusiasm, initiative, and stakeholder focus? Employees who are engaged on the job are vital to high performance organizations. This seminar will define engagement, discuss actions to enhance it, establish how management can drive engagement, and explain what actions you can take today to begin experiencing the tangible results of highly engaged employees, including higher productivity, lower costs, and more!

Cost: $45
Date: October 28, 2010
Time: 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Location: WCC - Foundation Building - 201C

For information on registering, please go to

Seminar - Workplace Conflict | Bellingham HR Consultant

Controlling Conflict in the Workplace

Discover how to transform conflict into positive energy and lead your team to success. You'll learn how to handle disagreement and complaints, avoid damaging conflict, and prevent harassment issues.
Cost: $99
Start Date: November 5, 2010
Time: 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: WCC - Foundation Building 105.
For information on registering, simply go to for details.