Monday, March 15, 2010

Professional Development Opportunities

Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Career Success
Studies have found that intellectual knowledge and technical skills are no longer enough to be successful in the workplace. Interpersonal skills (Emotional Intelligence) is also a key factor in career success and an absolute requirement in leadership. Through this workshop, participants will learn:  How to develop their emotional intelligence (EQ); Influence, inspire, and motivate coworkers, subordinates, and supervisors;  Develop your leadership skills to enhance performance and organizational strength; Manage conflict through effective communication; and, Increase flexibility, enthusiasm, and teamwork while reducing wasted time, energy, and money.

Understanding Leadership and Management Functions
Not all managers or leaders are created equal, and you’ll learn why. Even if you aren’t a manager or in a leadership role in your organization, you will gain insight on what makes a great manager and leader, as well as how you can focus on key areas to successfully step into a management and/or leadership role.  In this workshop you will learn the differences between management and leadership, explore key managerial functions, and discover your leadership style and why it is more about the people you lead rather than you.

For more information on attending these workshops (which cost $49 each), please go to for details.

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